Jasa Penerjemah Tersumpah Bahasa Mandarin di Jakarta Selatan

Anindyatrans jasa penerjemah bahasa Mandarin tersumpah di Jakarta Selatan menawarkan legalitas yang jelas dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dalam terjemahan dokumen Anda. Terjemahan Anindyatrans dilengkapi dengan tanda tangan dan stempel basah resmi, yang membuatnya dapat diterima di berbagai lembaga pemerintah dan kementerian. Ini sangat penting dalam proses pembuatan paspor, visa, dan keperluan legalitas lainnya.

Layanan yang Ditawarkan Anindyatrans

Anindyatrans adalah kantor jasa penerjemah tersumpah di Jakarta Selatan menawarkan berbagai layanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan terjemahan Anda. Beberapa layanan yang dapat Anda dapatkan antara lain:

1. Terjemahan Dokumen

Anindyatrans membantu Anda menerjemahkan berbagai jenis dokumen, seperti dokumen hukum, dokumen bisnis, dokumen pendidikan, dokumen pribadi, dokumen kedokteran, dan dokumen perbankan dengan pengalaman dan keahlian dalam menerjemahkan dokumen-dokumen ini dengan akurat dan cepat.

2. Interpreter

Selain terjemahan tertulis, Anindyatrans menyediakan layanan terjemahan lisan atau interpreter. Jika Anda membutuhkan penerjemah untuk acara atau pertemuan bisnis, Anindyatrans menyediakan penerjemah yang berpengalaman dalam berbagai bahasa.

3. Legalisasi

Anindyatrans membantu Anda dalam proses legalisasi dokumen.

Mengapa Memilih Anindyatrans sebagai Jasa Penerjemah Tersumpah di Jakarta Selatan?

Ketika mencari jasa penerjemah tersumpah di Jakarta Selatan, Anda dapat mempercayai Anindyatrans. Anindyatrans adalah perusahaan jasa penerjemah yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 2009 dan memiliki pengalaman dalam membantu berbagai perusahaan untuk berkomunikasi dengan pasar internasional. Anindyatrans memiliki tim penerjemah tersumpah yang handal dan berpengalaman. Anindyatrans menerjemahkan dokumen Anda dengan akurat dan cepat, serta memberikan jaminan legalitas dan keamanan terjemahan. Anda dapat mengandalkan Anindyatrans untuk memenuhi kebutuhan terjemahan Anda dengan baik.

Cara Memesan Layanan Anindyatrans secara Online

Anindyatrans menyediakan layanan pemesanan secara online yang mudah dan cepat. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk memesan layanan penerjemah tersumpah secara online:

  1. Kirimkan dokumen yang akan diterjemahkan melalui email atau aplikasi pesan instan.
  2. Admin Anindyatrans akan merespon dengan memberikan surat penawaran yang berisi detail biaya dan waktu pengerjaan.
  3. Setelah konfirmasi pemesanan, lakukan pembayaran DP sesuai kesepakatan.
  4. Tim penerjemah Anindyatrans akan menerjemahkan dokumen Anda dengan cermat dan akurat.
  5. Setelah selesai, Anda akan menerima hasil terjemahan dalam bentuk softcopy dan hardcopy.
  6. Jika sudah melakukan pelunasan, dokumen dalam bentuk hardcopy akan dikirimkan ke alamat Anda.

Tarif Anindyatrans

Tarif Anindyatrans bervariasi tergantung pada jenis dokumen dan bahasa yang diterjemahkan. Anindyatrans menawarkan tarif yang terjangkau mulai dari Rp.500 per kata. Anda dapat mengunjungi situs web Anindyatrans untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang tarif dan paket harga yang ditawarkan.

Anindyatrans Penerjemah Tersumpah Bahasa Mandarin

Dalam dunia yang semakin terhubung ini, bisnis dan individu sering kali berurusan dengan orang-orang dari berbagai latar belakang budaya dan bahasa. Dalam konteks Indonesia, banyak perusahaan dan organisasi yang menjalin hubungan bisnis dengan mitra dari Tiongkok atau negara-negara berbahasa Mandarin lainnya. Pentingnya penerjemah tersumpah bahasa Mandarin terletak pada keahlian mereka dalam menerjemahkan dokumen-dokumen penting, seperti kontrak bisnis, perjanjian, atau laporan keuangan, dengan akurasi dan keandalan yang tinggi. Penerjemah bahasa Mandarin tersumpah telah melewati serangkaian tes dan mendapatkan sertifikasi resmi dari pemerintah, sehingga mereka memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menghadirkan terjemahan yang akurat dan sesuai dengan konteks.

Layanan yang Ditawarkan Anindyatrans

Anindyatrans menawarkan berbagai layanan yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan komunikasi multibahasa. Beberapa layanan yang umum ditawarkan oleh penerjemah tersumpah bahasa Mandarin antara lain:

1. Terjemahan Tersumpah Dokumen

Anindyatrans membantu menerjemahkan dokumen-dokumen penting dari bahasa Mandarin ke bahasa Indonesia dan sebaliknya. Anindyatrans memiliki pemahaman mendalam tentang struktur bahasa dan terminologi yang digunakan dalam kedua bahasa tersebut, sehingga dapat menghasilkan terjemahan yang akurat dan sesuai dengan konteks.

2. Interpreter Bahasa Mandarin

Selain terjemahan tertulis, Anindyatrans juga menyediakan layanan interpreter untuk berbagai keperluan komunikasi lisan. Anindyatrans membantu dalam situasi seperti pertemuan bisnis, seminar, konferensi, atau kunjungan resmi, di mana diperlukan interpretasi langsung antara bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa Indonesia.

3. Legalisasi Dokumen

Anindyatrans juga dapat membantu dalam proses legalisasi dokumen. Anindyatrans memiliki pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang persyaratan legalisasi di berbagai lembaga pemerintahan, seperti Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Kedutaan Besar Republik Rakyat Tiongkok, dan Taipei Economic and Trade Office di Jakarta.


Anindyatrans adalah kantor penerjemah tersumpah yang berspesialisasi dalam menerjemahkan, menafsirkan, dan mengesahkan dokumen hukum dan resmi ke lebih dari 10 bahasa yang berbeda dari dan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, Inggris, Mandarin, Korea, Arab, Rusia, Thailand, Vietnam, Belanda, Jerman, dan Prancis dengan pengalaman dalam menerjemahkan putusan pengadilan, baik itu putusan pengadilan umum, pengadilan agama, pengadilan niaga maupun pengadilan arbitrase. Selain putusan pengadilan, kami juga berpengalaman dalam menerjemahkan dokumen hukum lainnya seperti undang-undang, Peraturan Pemerintah, Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung, Peraturan Mahkamah Agung, Peraturan Daerah, Peraturan Perusahaan, Perjanjian, Akta Notaris dan dokumen resmi lainnya. Kantor cabang kami berlokasi di DKI Jakarta, Cibubur, Depok, Bandung, Batam dan Bali.

Email: cs@anindyatrans.com

Telepon: +62218452261

Whatsapp: +62-81287269379

Anindyatrans the #1 Best Chinese Sworn Translator Office in East Jakarta

Anindyatrans: The #1 Chinese sworn translation office in East Jakarta

When it comes to Chinese sworn translation services in East Jakarta Anindyatrans is #1 the best choice. With years of experience and a team of highly skilled sworn translators, Anindyatrans have built a reputation for delivering accurate and efficient translation services to our clients. Whether you need documents translated from Chinese to English or any other language, we have the expertise to handle all your translation needs.

Anindyatrans understand the importance of accurate translations. That’s why Anindyatrans only work with professional translators who are native speakers of the target language. Our translators have a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, ensuring that every translation is precise and culturally appropriate. With our meticulous attention to detail, you can trust that your documents will be translated with the utmost accuracy.

Chinese to English document translation in East Jakarta: Anindyatrans’ specialization

One of our key specializations at Anindyatrans is Chinese to English document translation. As East Jakarta continues to grow as a major business hub, there is an increasing demand for translation services between Chinese and English. Our team of expert translators is well-versed in both languages, allowing us to provide seamless and accurate translations for a wide range of documents.

Whether you need to translate legal contracts, business proposals, or personal documents, Anindyatrans have the expertise to handle all types of Chinese to English sworn translations. Anindyatrans understand the nuances of both languages and can ensure that the translated document captures the original meaning while maintaining cultural sensitivity. With Anindyatrans, you can have confidence in the quality and accuracy of your Chinese to English translations.


Document translation services: Anindyatrans’ comprehensive offerings

Anindyatrans offer a comprehensive range of document translation services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. From legal documents to technical manuals, we have the expertise to handle all types of documents. Our team of translators is well-versed in various subject matters, ensuring that your documents are translated accurately and effectively.

In addition to Chinese to English translation Anindyatrans also provide translation services for other language pairs. Whether you need documents translated from English to Indonesian, Japanese to English, or any other language combination, we can assist you. Our commitment to quality and accuracy is unwavering, and we strive to deliver translations that exceed your expectations.

The benefits of using professional and certified document translation services

Using professional and certified document translation services like Anindyatrans offers numerous benefits. First and foremost, professional translators have the expertise and linguistic skills to accurately translate your documents. They understand the nuances of the source and target languages, ensuring that the translated document conveys the intended meaning.

Anindyatrans dealing with legal documents or documents that require official recognition. Anindyatrans certified translations are recognized by government authorities, courts, and other official institutions. By using Anindyatrans as a certified translation service, you can be confident that your documents will be accepted and legally valid.

Anindyatrans the right document translation services in East Jakarta

Anindyatrans document translation services in East Jakarta have a team of qualified and experienced translators. Anindyatrans translators are native speakers of the target language and have expertise in the relevant subject matter.

Anindyatrans turnaround time and pricing of the translation service in a timely manner, Anindyatrans promise realistically fast turnaround times. Quality translations take time, and rushing the process can result in errors.

Conclusion: Why Anindyatrans is your go-to sworn translator office in East Jakarta

Anindyatrans is your go-to sworn translator office in East Jakarta for all your document translation needs. With our team of highly skilled translators, we deliver accurate and efficient translations for a wide range of languages and subject matters. Whether you need Chinese to English document translation or translations in any other language pair, we have the expertise to meet your requirements.

By choosing Anindyatrans, you can trust that your documents will be translated with precision, cultural sensitivity, and attention to detail. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart as the number one sworn translation office in East Jakarta. Contact us today for all your document translation needs.

Anindyatrans is a certified translation service with experience in translating court decisions, whether they are general court decisions, religious courts, commercial courts and arbitration courts. In addition to court decisions, we are also experienced in translating other legal documents such as laws, Government Regulations, Supreme Court Circulars, Supreme Court Regulations, Regional Regulations, Company Regulations, Agreements, Notary Deeds and other official documents. Our branch offices located in DKI Jakarta, Cibubur, Depok, Bandung, Surabaya and Bali.


Email: cs@anindyatrans.com

Telepon: +62218452261

Whatsapp: +62-81310304594

Anindyatrans – The Certified Translation Office You Can Trust

certified translation office anindyatrans

certified translation office anindyatrans

Finding a certified translation office that you can trust with your needs should not be a daunting task. However, not all offers you come across will depict desirable quality. Translation is one of the growing demands in modern businesses as companies outsource business operations and articles from various countries across the globe. If you have projects and summaries that need to be translated to English or another language, then you must outsource translation services. While software translators are available, they are applications that operate on machine based instructions and feeds; it is highly unlikely any software will properly translate and articulate all words.

What you need to do

As aforementioned, there are several translation agencies and individuals in the market and some can finish your projects quite fast. However, only a few agencies can be trusted with intellectual materials and high end projects. When looking for top quality translation services, some of the aspects to review include trustworthiness, reputation, and end product quality and prompt services.

  • Reputation – Anindyatrans is one of the most reputed translation agencies you will find online. The easiest way to tell if any given company, service of product meets user requirements is through reviewing their reputation. By simply looking through comments, testimonials, opinions and complaints from previous clients, you can learn a lot about the level of quality you will receive. Anindyatrans enjoys a good reputation for exceptional quality translation services and seamless communications.
  • Trustworthiness – You need a company you can trust with your translation needs and projects. How reliable is the agency and how fast can they finish your assignments? Some agencies have only a few translators on board and rely on outsourcing the services online. This may deliver you fast results, but the quality will not be as great. It is therefore important to choose agencies you can trust for good results and no disappointments.
  • Promptness – Whichever foreign language your source material is written in, Anindyatrans certified translation office has the capacity to finish them within the required time. The agency has many eloquent fast translators always ready to handle your translation needs however simple or complex. Even if the source materials are from different foreign countries, you can expect no delays.


Other aspects to review include flexibility, competitive affordability and professionalism. It is often advisable to choose credible licensed translation agencies allowed to offer such services. Not all translators are professionals as other are more interested in the income than the quality of work provided. You can compare prices from different agencies to save extra money without compromising the level of quality received. Anindyatrans certified translation office is dedicated to easing your translation burden by providing ultimate quality translation services across the whole range.

Anindyatrans is a sworn translation office capable of translating all kinds of documents in various languages, such as German, Dutch, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Malay, etc.  We have branches in several Indonesian cities, such as Batam, Surabaya, Bekasi, Bali, Makassar, Bogor, Semarang, Bandung, Balikpapan, Depok, Medan.

For more info, you can reach us at +622122876590; +62218452261; +6281287269379.

Anindyatrans Sworn Translator Office.

Choose the Appropriate Certified Translation Office for Flexible and Fast Services

People who need translations for their reports, speeches, and even books can use the services of a certified translator office. Certified translations are in-demand, and document translation services are rendered for different purposes in the fields of academe, research, as well as in business. As long as there is paperwork, a certified translation service is always needed to convert documents into another language for communication and endorsement purposes. A translation service provides document translation of varied content to be converted into other languages to facilitate better transactions with their clients and employees.

It is fairly convenient and practical to get in touch with translation services from reputable agencies that have a long line of satisfied customers to boost their bankability online. It is very easy to check on the background and past records of these translation agencies especially because all businesses depend primarily on a solid reputation for longevity and stability in the business.

A solid reputation is a very important label for any business that wants to win the trust and confidence of their target market. For businesses that have earned a good reputation, this will be a basis for more people to get your services basing primarily on reputation. Business organizations usually prefer getting translation agencies because it is the safest route for any business that wants to work with a large team of translators especially when given bulk projects that need to be done with accuracy and within a limited period.

These translation agencies usually have varied departments which specialize in certain languages so there would not be any problem if you need translations done in multiple languages and if you need the documents to be submitted promptly without compromising on quality. Translation agencies that handle document translations, as well as certified translations usually, have a reliable in-house team of translators that can do the job well and fast. These agencies also outsource work, or they hire extra hands via freelance translators who work remotely.

They can also deliver information at a much faster rate because of their vast resources in labor and technology. Many translation service providers have certified translator office located in all parts of the globe. They can also provide flexible documentation services for various languages, so if you want a native translation for your documents, then they have a ready team of native writers to get the job done for you.

Anindyatrans is a provider of sworn & certified translation and interpreting services in European languages (Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Dutch, Swedish, etc) and Asian languages (Japanese, Malay, Indonesian, Taiwanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, etc.). We have branches in major Indonesian cities (Bandung, Semarang, Bogor, Surabaya, Denpasar, Bekasi, Batam, Jakarta, Depok).


3 Advantages of Sworn Translation Service Providers

The increasingly open free competition in 2016 makes the existence of sworn translation service providers a breeze for some people, even companies engaged in various sectors. Their presence is the best solution for dealing with the free trade requiring all documents or correspondences to be made in foreign languages.

One of the acclaimed and trusted long-time sworn translation service providers due to its near perfect translation, i.e. Anindyatrans. There are at least 8 international languages that they can translate properly and correctly so that all problems of corporate correspondences and documents as well as individual tasks may be completed on time.

There are at least 3 advantages if you decide to use sworn and trusted translation services, namely:

  1. High Quality Translation

The difficulty of getting the equivalent words in the target language for translation sometimes becomes one of the constraints of a translator to get high quality translation. At Anindyatrans, translators are experts in their respective fields. This is proven by the service provided to both national clients and international clients. This is because the translation produced is of high quality and may satisfy the clients choosing to use their services.

  1. No Translation Machine

High quality translation is obtained from the thinking process of translators working under the auspices of Anindyatrans, sworn translation service provider. Therefore, the resulting document or translation uses a formal language and a standard grammar, untouched by any translation machine, which is available either online or offline.

  1. No Revision Fee and Competitive Rates

If you are interested, you may contact us at +6281287269379 Anindyatrans Sworn Translation Service Provider in 8 Languages at 8 Major Cities in Indonesia. Another advantage is that you are no longer subject to any surcharge for the revision to be made in working on the document. In addition, the prices or rates offered are also very competitive, so you should not hesitate to choose the sworn translation services provided by said company. Moreover, the resulting translation is guaranteed to be of high quality.

Meta description: There are 3 advantages obtained from using sworn translation services. What are they? Here is the complete description.