Contact Us


Contact us at our address:
Jl. Edi 2 No. 22 Guntur Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan
DKI Jakarta Indonesia 12980
Telephone: +6221-8452261
Mobile Phone: +6281310304594

Other than above we also had many branches in the cities of Indonesia such as:
For Sumatra Area:
For West Java area:
For Central Java area:
For East Java area:
To ease our communication you may send the document to be translated via email and we will respond with quotation. We are open 24 hours 7 days a week with many standby translator to answer your need. However, in this internet era we can communicate in real time with no boundaries of time and space, so please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime you need our services and we will immediately respond your inquiry at the same hour. We have many staff to assist you.

5 comments to “Contact Us”
  1. Dear

    Halo, saya mau tanya jika saya ingin menerjemahkan buku saya yang berbahasa dan menggunakan huruf china ke bahasa inggris.

    Yang saya mau tanyakan, berapa rupiah tarif menerjemahkan bahasa mandarin ke Inggris


  2. Dear,

    saya punya customer yang butuh penterjemah mandarin wanita untuk membantu menterjemah saat pertemuan dgn cliennya. mohon info brapa biayanya….

    Namun penterjemah harus mendampingin beliau selama kunjungan di indonesia. kunjungan ke jawa timur. semarang maupun jakarta.

    Mohon informasinya.

    Terima kasih

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